Sunday, December 19, 2010

Of Random Thoughts & images

There is no explanation why a image crops up in our head sometimes from memory sometimes untraceable perhaps from a future we are yet to face. These images loosely strung together form the mysteries that define our lives and what ever powers guide it or don't. If we be but Actors on this stage then we have De ja Vous of an upcoming scene or a flashback. What do these mean? They could be signs of the times that lie ahead or reminders of mistakes we have made and not to repeat the same.

How do we define their meaning? Can we really believe that these are signs or portents?

When you spend days contemplating the images and words in your head things in the present start getting tangled up and reality seems to move in and out of focus. Should you then worry about your mental health? May be or may be not. Who is to say what tricks our mind can play on us?

Like inception, are we dreaming this life, or will we wake up to find this to be a dream or a nightmare....!!

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