Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Nothing seriously wrong in being Single

This is not a case of Sour Grape's from Aesop's Fable. What this is about is experiences and learning's from them. There I see a happy couple walking in front of me and as I walk past them I can hear their argument, here I sit beside a lady engrossed in conversation over the phone so much so that she has forgotten all sense of time and place, then when I (guiltily) eavesdrop I hear her pleading for one meeting and a few words from someone she obviously loves.

Then I meet my friends and relatives, who keep falling into a relationship and then coming out of it with burn marks all over, I find my self tending to them and again they dive into the same well of fire.

All this fire fighting, Burnol applying is getting to me, so today I made a real GEM of a statement (Even if I say so Myself).

Being single doesn't look half as bad when you see the mess not being single can turn into.

I know so many comments, barbed or spiked flying at me right now. I do not say All committed people are in a mess, may be they have a better vacuum cleaner than I do. Or are just better at keeping their lives clean.But seems to me in the most off handed situation I find that being single liberating.

Don't make any mistakes, it gets really boring sometimes when you don't have someone around to Bug, but that's not why I would choose to be committed. In fact, I think that's what I have been doing all my life.I am so afraid of getting bored that I seem to have made quite a bit of mess around myself.

But this isn't really about the mess that I have shoved under my bed, it's about the fact that today when I have the opportunity to go out on a date with a fairly interesting Male, I can without a second thought choose to spend that time with my brother. AND NOT REGRET MY CALL ON THE ISSUE.

It's Robert Frost's 'Fork in the Road', and it gives me immense pleasure to be able decide that. I walked back in d slight winter drizzle alone with my thoughts smiling all the way feeling light as feather knowing that I did not need to be attending an evening forced on me by commitment, I need not have to explain where I was going and with whom and what I planned to do.

Independence by it's nature comes with responsibility, and that's what my parents told me (I am sure we have heard this before) but what they did not tell me is that IT also came for a price.

To think of it, I am single coz I can't bear to become answerable to anyone for my decisions. Independence has it's PRICE.

And you better be willing to pay it.

Caution: Commitment, here, is not synonymous to marriage which I think is a different Ball game altogether.

1 comment:

Rwitabhadra Chatterjee Dasgupta (RITZ) said...

very straight and right from the heart..and in a way pretty analytical!!!

in a way it made me realise that the few months that i was in between two men in my life, or should i say in between two affairs, i was in fact so complication freee...and i never realised that and maybe never appreciated that.

great insight!!!