Friday, October 7, 2011

Decoding the Libra Gene

It's been years since I met this chap, way back in 2002 when we were in undergraduate studies, we spoke for the first time. The years that intervene between that time and today are not of continuous communication, yet even when we meet after yet another gap of 3 years nothing seems to have changed. Yes I know that it is impossible that we are the same people who went on an impromptu trip to Pune and the outskirts during Holi, both of us bunking work with really badly made up excuses. We have changed, what hasn't is the way we interact. What hasn't changed also are those common memories of laughter, embarrassment and what not.

So on the Saptami evening when my friend returned to his home city for Pujo after 4 years it was a delight to accompany him. We walked and peeped into every pandal that was on the way, I was trigger happy with my phone camera, sometimes, actually most of the times only clicking blurry images. As usual he took the clicking a  bit more seriously and has captured all these nice shots minus the blurriness.

I was reminded of the instance in front of the Pune Fort where he climbed on top of the Wall to click the photo of the Statue. God those were crazy times!!

When we sat down on the Park Bench at the Holy ground where you always find your long lost friends - Maddox Square, no wonder our discussion veered to what is it that has brought so much happiness to us, what is it that has brought the craziest and the nicest people close to us. That's where I decoded a bit of the Libra Gene. Oh yes, you may not be one to believe in the Zodiac Signs, may even smirk at Linda Goodman, but hey, we are just discussing, no arguments here. That's how we Librans like to win an argument by the way.

  1. Why on Earth do we have so many best friends? - Seriously, ask a Libra, they will rattle off atleast 3 names. Somehow, the concept of Best Friend being Singular has not really gone down well with us. Everywhere we go, for every phase of life you will find us with one BEST FRIEND. I have my share too, and in fact some of them are reading this right now.
  2. Why do we have so many friends? - I know you don't understand why this should bother us. But it does bother us sometimes, you know, are we too easy as friends, apparently our demands or expectations of what a friend should be is rather flexible. So we are easy to be friends with. I think we are just lucky to have friends. Everyone seems to want to talk to us. Boy do we love talking!! We love 'yapping' the most and if it ain't with a friend it can be with an acquaintance, could be a cab driver, or the passenger in the train compartment or the guy sitting next to you on a flight.
  3. Why do we seem slightly if not very Possessive about our stuff ? - you heard that right, we are by nature possessive about things, people, places etc etc... you will hear us say things like "My Friend", "My Camera",  "My locality". We don't mean to be selfish or mean we just like to know what is ours. Just so that you also know that's how we feel about you.
  4. Why do we like to be hugged? - some of us don't but most Librans I know do like a warm hug, if not all the time, sometimes, especially when they are down. We actually take offence at not being hugged, ask my friend who pointed it out to me that the last time we met I didn't hug him.Hug us but with caution if we don't like you, we may say, "What the hell is wrong with you?" If we like you and you just surprised us with a Hug, we may say, "What was that For?" and smile.
  5. Why do we smile? Oh well, this may seem a little weird at first but if you have spent some time with us you know what we are talking about. We smile and you have no clue why we are smiling. Well one reason is we are thinking about something else and the smile crosses our face not necessarily anything to do with what is happening. That is the simplest explanation, there are tonnes of other explanation, but we will let you find out.We can be quite the Devil.
  6. Why do we seem to have all the crazy people as our friend? Well, because we probably don't judge people as much as we are made out to. We judge you yes, then we think it is unfair to judge you, so we want to be nice to you and so we like you and let you be our friend. Didn't you ever hear, "Normal is boring." Okay so all of you who are reading this post and wondering "Am I crazy?" Well, you are probably not clinically crazy, if you know what I mean but you have your craziness which we have witnessed and kept our mouth shut. Oh yes, we are pretty good at keeping secrets, we take it very seriously when we are told not to share something, and it gives us sleepless nights.
The discussion was cut short as we rushed off to dinner. But the last final conclusion I decided to draw was pretty much like all Libra discussions, seeing both sides of the argument, calling it a Discussion, finding the middle path and being agreeable.

All people make great friends, Librans or otherwise, I feel had I not been a Libra may be I wouldn't have all you nice people reading this post and leaving those nice comments. Librans like the Nice in everything. Being Nice is very important to us. Sometimes, we bend the truth a bit to remain nice, other times, we blurt out the truth for being fair. Our eternal struggle seems to be between being Nice and Fair. You cannot be both as we keep discovering.

So keep your Libra friends close, they might be pesky sometimes but they are for keeps. If you are looking for a smile you know which friend to call. You can take reference of my friends in this. I can make people smile :). Seriously!!

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