Sunday, January 2, 2011

Looking Back 2010

As is the popular cultures dictat we must look back at the year gone past and pick the Top /Bottom popular choices, so, every magazine & newspaper worth its salt has been out doing the Popularity Poll, thank God our Govts. are not selected like this, or may be they should be! No time for serious political debate. This post has been brimming out of my head for sometime & the only reason this is so late is because I was too lazy to obtain the required photos for this Blog. Yes, I will give you my top 5 of movies & tv series right here. Only Disclaimer to it is that I suffer terribly from the Recency Effect, & as I am generally lazy I will not bother you with the WHY I chose the one's that I did. Only one explaination I can put in here is there were a whole lot of choices and the reason for my list to be limited is my lack of patience and Ofcourse I haven't watched all of the movies/tv series currently on air.
I can of course graciously provide you with a list of Releases in the Year 2010 for Ind and USA, that should be good adventure for some of you.

TOP 5 BEST MOVIE - In absolute Random Order ....

Special Mention :

TOP 5 WORST MOVIES - Again in Random Order



Have Fun reading and making your own list :))