I have forever wondered what it means when folks tell me that they are a moring person. Doesit mean they like morning? Does it man perhaps that they like the sunrise? Does it even mean anything at all?
Most people who tell me this seem to be chasing the Sun, waking up in the wee hours of dawn and persuing some ferverant activity. Either they study, jog, exercise, cook, clean or worse take a shower in cold water.
Now their example has made me realise that I am not a morning person. Unlike them my alarm only goes off at about 8and after a snooze or two I manage toget out of bed just before 9. I stumble around trying to figure out what is it that I'm suposed to do. In about half an hour I manage to get ready for work, stuff my face with food and rush out the door to my car. Mostly in a daze. I don't like being spoken to during this time because I'm in no mood to commnicate. I don't accept calls for the same reason.
As I type this I wonder what happened to me. As far back I can remember I have always had to go to a morning school, ge up early to study, yet over he last few years I seem to have given up on the ways of the world and given myself over to being utterly lazy. So come winter or summer I seem to clingto my bed till 8 when rest of the worldis wide awake and rushing about with purpose.
Here I am , on of those odd days, awake since 5 in the morning and havingtravelled across a state line waiting patiently at an airport lounge typing a blog post.
I begin to think, may be I don't have to be one or the other - morning or a non morning person. May be I do not need to define myself at all.
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