Friday, August 26, 2011

The Day Dream Story

Disclaimer: All Characters are Fictitious.

The problem with a job that involves travelling across the length and breadth of a country is that you are living out of a suitcase and your laptop is your only companion. Lying in the corner the blue- grey trolley looked tired and worn out just like I probably did. That reminded me I had not yet had dinner and it was getting late. The thought of changing out of the rag like but very comfortable nightwear into something more appropriate in order to go and have the buffet dinner seemed to much of a task. I was talking to my friends over social network, catching up about our respective day. I guess there was no harm in asking for room service. As I was telling a friend I met earlier in the evening, snacking after 7 pm will kill your appetite for dinner. I didn't feel like having anything.
But a call to the house keeping was due for some drinking water. That done I was back catching up with the folks online. We seem to be catching up with people online more than in real life. That's the irony of technological advances isn't it? But I can't wonder that aloud, I am alone in this huge room.
Conversations online mostly are like threads you start out with something and move onto something else and when one conversation ends on a particular day, you find it fairly easy to pick it up the next day. So along with the usual "how was you day?' there was the entire cribbing which was due for this week. Yes it had been a week since I had landed in the city and no my special friend hadn't come around to visit, nor call. Told you we meet people virtually a lot more these days.
People have a way of ending up disappointing me without knowing, and although I had about a thousand time promised my friends read girlfriends that I was not going to be upset about this, yet I was slowly getting sad.
It was 10:45 in the night and the day was over and I was leaving the city tomorrow. Hopeless! that's what the situation was.

The phone rang, strangely it was my alternate number where everyone was not supposed to call to help me save roaming charges, i wondered who it was. So, it was a shock to hear another very familiar voice, and I can't insist on the "very familiar' more, say "what's the address of your hotel?" I glanced at the watch it was 11 pm. I asked very much like the insensitive idiot that I am, "why, are you planning to come here?" I know "insensitive" seems a harsh word but that's what I am sometimes. I have a parallel track of conversation running in my head as we speak. I always seem to do that. But for some reason my responses just get stilted and I say exactly the opposite to what I think I should.

I kept pacing the room, hurriedly changing out of the rags that I keep calling nightwear. This was such a bad idea wasn't it. But this is what I was cribbing about a moment before. "Oh get a life girl! stop being silly"... I tell myself.

The dinner has gotten cold and I am trying to pretend to eat, not an ounce seems to travel past my throat, I drink a few glasses of water hoping it would calm my racing heart. The person in question here , responsible for the racing heart- is fiddling away with my laptop, as if between his dinner and 11 PM the world would end if he didn't check whatever he was checking. Ok that was an un intelligent thing to say, but I can't remember what is it that he said, I had the blood pounding in my ear and didn't hear a thing.

I stare out the clear plate glass window separating the room from the balcony into the dark night and wonder what to do. As usual I have no plans, I never seem to have any plans. But back home I am the one with the plans, but the pounding blood which Ideally should make me think more isn't helping.

I look up finding his reflection on the wall mirror, and suddenly a few minutes are gone and he is saying something I have no clue what, so I say "Yes Of course,sounds good", I was lost in staring at his reflection. This is not how a grown up woman should behave but then there I am avoiding even making eye contact. I look at the food, I look at the glass, I look at the walls and the ceilings, everywhere else but at him.

Now that we are in the car driving around aimlessly, I get comfortable. Strange a 'tiny car' seems less scary than a Hotel Room. I have often wondered why I can't talk normally in a room, I guess the whole King Size bed, the drawn blinds, the fact that we are alone in that space works on my mind. That should apply to cars shouldn't it? But it doesn't, I am cheerful, rattling off stories of my day. Apparently we are visiting his new apartment, which I haven't seen. I had no clue I had even said yes, I try to remember vaguely about something which I hadn't seen and he suggested I should see. I said yes, instantly, at the thought that we would be out of that room and hopefully with lots of people. Now I am hurtling towards his apartment at 12 AM in the night.

Brilliant! it does take a moron like me to come up with this kind of a situation. I keep checking every turn we are taking, every signpost I can read, I am like Jason Bourne, I count the stairs when I go up them in the dark, I am checking all the points of Exit. God, how melodramatic!!

I think this apartment is the biggest one I have seen, it's huge, and I see the furniture and wonder, who used to live here before, the taste is meticulous, the sofa is not a usual unimaginative black leather piece, each room has a wall clock, that actually are really nice but completely unnecessary ( I have a particular dislike for looking at watches and clocks). The rooms are sparsely decorated but contain what is required and nothing more, well maintained for a bachelor pad and looks well lived in, very warm and nice. So, I tick of points in my head, and then my eyes travel to the clock, damn it's been 15 mins already.

Exit strategy one, I am sleepy.

I abandoned that.

This is going in the worst possible way. I walk into his bedroom, and a relief floods me the bed looks like a dumping ground for everything, clothes, gadgets, utensils, typically like my own, except you would find some of the stuff not common. I say aloud my parents should see this and stop complaining that I am a pig and a hoarder, in my head I breath a sigh of relief, I am not expected to sit here because there is no space, the room is again clawing at my thought. But I have to give due attention to the collection of DVD's, so I spent time reading out the names and counting, avoiding looking at him, in fact I always have my back towards him, I can see from the corner of my eyes he is hovering around at a safe distance, with a straight face and something in his eye. Damn those eyes, never look at them. Two reasons I don't make eye contact, first, terrified of what I will see in them, second, petrified of what he will see in mine. I am so transparent.

DVD's, music, laptops, gadgets, clocks, shoes, rooms, cold beverages, I pick up everything randomly and throw into the conversation. It's almost an hour time for a new exit strategy.

Exit strategy two, you must be tired...

I start the sentence and trail off, because the rest fails logic, ideally I would say three things over phone,"freshen up", "have dinner", "get some rest", none worthy of an exit.

So back to gadgets and phones, by this time I have been tricked into sitting cross legged and precariously at the edge of the bed, a midst the hoard of junk, rattling off about something, I can't even put a finger and what I am saying, I am filling up the silence, the air conditioner, doesn't make enough sound, I curse it, I turn the fan on, because it is hot, then turn it lower, realizing the temperature control on the Air Conditioner reads 23, which means I am flushed. Suddenly I turn around to find my phone in his hand, and he has wicked smile on his face. The first few pictures in the gallery flash across my mind, I feel embarrassed, because I take pictures of empty rooms sometimes, then I feel wondering about the other pictures he must be looking at.

I snatch back the phone, and a argument ensues, about phones, privacy, wi fii connections, and suddenly without realizing I am sitting too close to him - I have no sense of personal space- trying to peer into the two phones, and arguing about the validity of some statement I am making. I stiffen up move away, slowly, thankfully the gadget experiment fails. I am sulking at the end of the bed staring at the clock tick to 1hour 30 mins.

Exit strategy three, throw a tantrum.

I revive the argument on privacy throw a few slaps at him, threaten to destroy the junk on the bed, throw a few things to the floor, but my heart isn't into it, finally without much trying in a reflex action i kick his shin. Now he is really pissed. I guess I overdid it. I guess some exit strategies are self destructive. Wonder what Bourne would have done?

I find he is watching me and I see he is pocketing his Car keys and apartment keys, so I am finally getting out of this sane, I think to myself.

One word breaks across the thoughts,"punishment". He is saying something, and slowly it starts registering, he refuses to drop me back, I instantly start thinking of the road map in my head, then comes another shock, the gates to the building are closed, I put up a brave fight, but when I was entering the building I checked the exit points and he is not making baseless threats. I am really stuck here.

I put up a brave face, I put up a fight, I lay out fake strategies.

He lays down the options, the practical ones.

And in my head, it is all coming together, I keep wondering how is it possible that he is saying all this, where have I heard this before. I know I have heard this somewhere. I strain to think. I try to pacify him by offering him some cold beverage, he refuses, I am wondering an thinking why does this seem familiar. The clock hands have ran past 2 AM, I figure no point putting up a fight to this, the flight is in the afternoon enough time to collect my luggage and get to the airport. So i take up one of the options he offered, of spending the night on his sofa and go to check out the arrangement, there is a balcony behind the room, and the frosty dark glasses scare me, I contemplate how scared I will be sleeping there alone, waking up to every creek of glass or wind whistling, but I am too tired and I want to sleep and the sofa looks pretty tempting. I hear him walk out of his bedroom, I guess I should swallow my exit strategies, and ask for help with the sofa being set up and a set of spare clothes he was offering. I smile at him and say, " well , since you are punishing me you better take good care of the prisoner, I am going to need to sleep as I am tired, don't suddenly decide after an hour that you have forgiven me and are setting me free."

The music blares, and the road flashes past, I feel scared and ask him to drive slower. I sit on my Hotel Room bed and then it hits me, where I had heard the options of sofa, extra clothes, a night before the return flight, it was in my Day Dream sitting in the cubicle with all the phones ringing, people shouting, fax machines whirring, and me staring at the laptop screen deciding on the final return dates for Sunday so I could spend a night with the special friend who I am madly in love with.

So much for a Day Dream... that's why when everything is happening exactly like your Day Dream just shut up and close your eyes.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Random Scribbling

I was browsing my friend's blog, she is such an accomplished Woman, she studied English Literature with me, went on to do an MBA, worked for the top Financial MNC, quit her high flying corporate job and now paints. Sometimes I wonder how little we consider ourselves in the big bad world yet there is something in all of us that makes us brilliant.

Getting back to the Browsing, so there in her blog my friend says, there are some nights when 'you just need someone t hold' ... as I read this I almost could hear my mind go, "this is exactly what I think.." In fact truth be told, I am positive my other friends would agree whole heartedly to this.

I think all of us - men or women, are bound by that one need to belong somewhere, may be that's what makes us Human, may be that's what we are here to do, find the 'elusive' soul mate. So, instead we go perusing other activities some result in discoveries and other in destruction. One day my friend was telling me that he is terrible at handling his personal life, which I thought was an absolute overstatement, at that time. Now I know what he was talking about.

The basic premise we seem to start out with is that there is Hope and there is something better at the next turn, all the arm chair philosophy and sappy movies work us into the illusion of happy endings. Mind you I am a BIG believer of happy endings.. I am just not too cool about all the trials between that time.

And why am I blabbering here then...

My friend --- yes yet another--- 'Friend' tells me that my blog posts are Arbit... Hmmm!! that should make me angry, but it doesn't. Why? I think may be I love my friend -- a little too much so I easily forgive, may be I think my posts are Arbit... and then it strikes me, nope, it's none of the above.. I have, at least in the case of the said friend and the said blog achieved, inner peace...

Not Kung fu panda-ish inner peace... more of 'I am at peace with my blog' so what my friend says is acceptable as 'his' opinion and not as a personal assault.

I tend to fixate on a few people at different points in my life.. drawing sustenance from them, and when you are like me, easily wounded by casual words, yet absolutely unrepentant 'meany' who always seems to be saying the mean thing ... you are bound to be hurt. Which I am. But today I did something different. I got over the hurt, made my terms with the slight loss against expectation, basically followed my own preaching, of reduced expectation. Making every thing they do as a personal disappointment is just being terribly demanding - which I am - I am totally emotionally high maintenance, and I would and could write at length of my demands but the truth remains every one fails me sometime - and I have failed folks many a times.

May be just for a second there I acted quite unlike myself... May be this is what compromise feels like ... May be "All I want is Everything" need not be the reason for misery.. May be liking a friend a 'lil more than is good' need not be so bad.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

An ‘Arbit’ Post for Someone who can make fun of anything about this write up yet not make me angry

On one hand you ask questions about the well being of a certain someone, and on the other don't let them speak. There is no denying the lack of initiative to speak and that is a drawback. But when Ian attempt is made, a genuine attempt to open up and share, there is stone wall.

This cannot sound good whichever way this is said or written. But here is what's bugging the mind... that kung fu panda-ish inner peace is f$%^@d up. There has been hours spent fighting the thought, trying to smother it with rationale & logic, but it doesn't seem to be temporary, fleeting, passing, and imaginary. It's there all the time.

The gnawing feeling inside doesn't go away.. Didn't go away as one could have hoped. It grew... It grows.. It is growing into this monstrous ... Multi headed beast...

A. Yearning

B. Longing

C. Craving

D. Obsession

Its heads just keep multiplying....

The logical reasoning fails against the constant influx of a voice, a crazy laugh, a raised eyebrow, an absolutely ridiculous joke which one tries not to laugh about but fail, a snippet of conversation, a crooked smile ... There's no hiding from it.

There is no longer a bad job to hide behind, the Miranda Priestly of a boss is history. One is left wondering whether the misery of that life could have prevented a cynical mind from slipping up... And crashing straight into you... How the wishes spiral into that one thought that it was somehow physically possible. But mind has a way of wandering off.

....when the world has let me down, when I have crossed and quarrelled with everyone else... All I wish to do is run to you..

So to wrap up the ‘mental’ rambling of a tortured soul there's this piece, carefully simulated to sound witty as well nonchalant which needs to be delivered, just that there doesn’t seem to be any opportunity? But positively you will break the wit and wipe the nonchalance. One can hope you will SEE the real person trying to be brave and hear the real person SAY what they are trying to, without the melodrama.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Now days, 80% of women are against marriage, WHY? Because women realize it's not worthBuying an entire pig just to get a little sausage.

Dozen things you can compare Men to ....

Men are like Laxatives ..... They irritate the crap out of you.

Men are like Bananas. The older they get, the less firm they are.

Men are like Weather Nothing can be done to change them.

Men are like Blenders.... You need One, but you're not quite sure why.

Men are like Chocolate Bars .... Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips.

Men are like Commercials ..... You can't believe a word they say.

Men are like Government Bonds .... They take soooooooo long to mature.

Men are like Mascara .... They usually run at the first sign of emotion.

Men are like Popcorn ..... They satisfy you, but only for a little while.

Men are like Snowstorms .... You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last.

Men are like Lava Lamps .... Fun to look at, but not very bright.

Men are like Parking Spots All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Confession on a day for Friends

On Friendship Day, I saw and read through the various conversations I have had with people over the past few years on various occasions. These people have been part of my life at different points of time. They have sometimes been the source of sustenance, support sometimes my outlet for emotional hyper boles.

They are people I call friends.

Yet I still wonder how good a friend was I to them. I can see clearly from our interactions that there were many a times that I have ignored their emotions too caught up in my own melodrama of life. I wasn't a good friend to them.

I wish I could speak to them today and tell them that their presence has meant the world to me. I am sorry that I wasn't better at being there for them.

When I take stock of the years gone by I find I have been extremely lucky to meet people who have cared about me so much. I have as always been blind to them. Today, I guess I shouldn't feel surprised to find all of them happy and me still walking in the sets of the melodrama that I call life.