Sunday, May 17, 2009


Agatha Christie says that its important to be able to write within a
certain word limit. If ur writing a detective story u can't make it of
the length of a short story. The reader then will cheated having paid
a certain amount of money to buy it.
I have never been good at keeping within limits to write anything. I
find it stifling. Ofcourse she does tell one to go ahead an write
whatever one feels like if one is only interested in writing for its
own sake and not in seeing ones works published. It is a choice one
has to make. May be that is the reason i don't write. Well its not
like i don't want to be published. Its just that i haven't written
anything worthwhile as yet. I'm too immature a writer. I'm most
certainly far from being a professional. There that's an honest
In the course of writing this post i have had a strange experience. I
failed to save the first. Then the second. However i've hammered on.
Only difference is i have writtiem something absolutely different from
what i had set out to write. Proves how difficult it is to get the
perfect result.
Clearly there is more to writing than just knowing ur words or reading
tonnes of books. In her autobiography she doesn't really discuss her
creative process which is what attracts of to authors autobiographies
in the first place but very rarely would u find one of them writin
about their inner thoughts. May be cause they don't want to tell or
way be it's something that can't be told.
There is always a good deal of speculation about whether we can aspire
to become writers or is it like other artistic things a natural talent
that might skip ur genome. But in the modern world Christie wouldn't
have had much trouble writing or finding a fan following what with all
the blogging. May that's the reason there are so many new writers
attempting to write so many new books and so many new stories being
told. Because all of us have some story to tell don't we?

Sent from my mobile device


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