Thursday, February 5, 2009

6th Feb 2009: Looking Back

Looking back at life is like flicking through the dusty pages of a diary where you

wrote down thoughts and emotions when they were important to you. Now that you read

them, you only feel a slight sense of sadness, a touch of nostaligia, at how foolish

and naive you were. Looking back today all i can see is a life that has been lived not

with fear, nor with remorse, and definitely without perfection.

This Imperfect life had taught so many lessons and so much yet to learn, it is

beautiful to know that life survives everything, all the ups and downs, the peaks and

the valleys. It feels strangely like an out of the body experience when you look back

at a year in your life.

Here's to knowing life brings new meaning every day, there is so much more awaiting,

here's to finding the rainbow and touching the horizon.


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